
Week 11 Comics at contemporary literature

I have been shocked by the comic because it starts from the scene of the main character suiciding by throwing herself in front of the train. I think this is a great introduction because I was so attracted to this book and get curious to know how it will happen next. This became one of my best introduction to the story. 

This book’s name is Take of One Bad Rat. This comic is interesting to see for me because it uses several techniques from several different types of media. It is obvious to see when the main character is daydreaming or remembering about her past time.

In several times, there is a scene of her trying to kill herself. From the second time of her suicide, I realized that this shot is just her imagination. This type of expression is usually used in the film genre. I saw it in The Secret Life of Walter Mitty. The main character of this movie is also a daydreamer. In the beginning, there is the sequence that the main character uses superpower and save a dog from the burning building by the explosion. However, it suddenly turns back to the shot of an ordinal businessman standing at the train station. Viewers will understand the superman and special power is just his imagination. Therefore, the constitution of the suicide scene in the Take of One Bad Rat I is using the same structure that the filmmaker uses. 

 Besides the film structure, it also uses the expression that only comics can do, which is coloring the gutters. I realized that when she is remembering about her past time, the gutter is colored black. Of course, a gutter is normally not appeared in other media than comics, so it could be considered as the unique expression of comics. 

 I have a lot of fun with seeing this several expression deference by reading only one book. I think this comic successfully makes the great combination of the art of literature, film, and comic. 

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